
Mobile app to help navigate sobriety virtually

My Role

UX Research & UI Design
Responsible for user research, and help define product requirements. Created User flows, wireframes and high-fidelity mockups along with prototyping. This project as designed as a part of an assignment to design for the margins in a group of 3. Project duration; 45 days.

Problem statement

There is a lack of virtual support for drug addiction and managing sobriety in remote conditions.

The Solution

An inclusive app that enables people to overcome their addiction by providing them with support and resources to track and manage their sobriety.
  • Users are unable to attend NA meetings and sessions in person during lockdown.
  • Users do not want their personal identity shared and feel the need to have specialized communities.
  • Users find it hard to track their progress and stay motivated when they are alone during lockdown and not surrounded with the right kind of support.
  • Users find it difficult to find and maintain a relationship with their sponsor during times of isolation.
We conducted interviews with some of  the users having faced difficulty managing sobriety in isolated conditions.

Who is it for

Understanding the user demographic

Emily is a 28-year-old woman who is addicted to cocaine and working remotely from home. Because of the pandemic, she is unable to get cocaine and keep enough in her supply. Additionally, her addiction is starting to become expensive, and she is already struggling to make ends meet. Emily wants to attend meetings and become sober, however, she cannot leave her home due to the pandemic.


George is a 21-year-old male who has had to move back home with his parents due to the pandemic. George finds himself with increasing anxiety because of both the pandemic and living with his parents again. He has used drugs in the past, but has been sober for 3 years. George becomes afraid that because of this anxiety he will relapse with his drug use and wants to find a way he can anonymously attend meetings without his parents, family, or friends knowing.


Ryan is a 32-year-old male who is now working from home due to the pandemic. His job originally did not involve him interacting with a lot of people, so now he is feeling especially alone. To deal with this, he has started to use recreational marijuana to “feel something.” As the pandemic continues, Ryan starts to become worried that he could become addicted to marijuana as he is using it more and more frequently. Ryan wants to find a way he can maintain his drug use and not become addicted from the comfort of his own home.

User Stories

Based upon the  surveys and interviews conducted, I derived userflows and wireframes along with a prototype to validate the user stories. This allowed me to account for and prioritise the main features needed for the MVP.


So.brighty Overview

An inclusive app that enables people to overcome their addictions by providing them with support and resources to track and manage their sobriety.

Hi-fidelity Mockups: Scheduling Meetings

User can join a home-group and schedule meetings, enroll in 12 step program and track their progress.
Login with pin on the Homepage: Track progress, upcoming meetings & access main features and enroll in a 12 step program virtually.
Enabling users with social anxiety to join anonymously.

Profile, Resources and Chat

Users can track their progress and badges earned through their profile and connect with their sponsor as well as home group on chat. They can find the necessary emergency and other resources to aid their sobriety journey..